As with all other Aged Care facilities Te Hopai grappled with COVID-19 protocols, balancing the protection of our vulnerable residents with the needs of families to visit and share in their lives. As Covid cases emerged within our facility we had to limit access to certain wings, or at key points, close an area all together.
Recognising the challenges this caused families and also our staff to manage, we implemented an on line visiting booking system that allowed flexibility and ease of communication, freeing our staff to manage the visits and giving families 'real time' response and surety of their visiting times.
Our Board and Management remain committed to providing full information on social media platforms, our website and through direct contact with families. Our belief in full transparent communication at all times helped residents, families and staff deal with an ever changing health environment.
For our staff digital payroll was implemented to provide ease of sign in and tracking of hours, leave and payroll.
We continued to enhance our digital platform with integrated resident information and clinical notes.