I came to Te Hopai about two years ago when I was transferred from the Wellington Public Hospital where I had been treated for a range of conditions. At the time I came to Te Hopai I could do little for myself and required a high level of care. Since that time I have become increasingly impressed with Te Hopai. There are three aspects of this establishment that especially deserve comment:
First, the premises. The buildings are light and imaginatively designed, with a number of lounges of various sizes in which residents, friends and family members can meet. The buildings are surrounded by well-kept gardens with seating areas where residents and visitors can sit outside when the weather is good.
Second, the staff. Te Hopai’s greatest strength is its staff, which are exemplary. They are warm, supportive, cheerful, attentive and patient. They are also well trained and skilled, able to respond decisively and effectively to the demanding situations that sometimes arise.
Third, the regime. Te Hopai is efficiently run. Routines and schedules are maintained, which provides a sense of predictability and security. The premises are well maintained and repairs are made in a timely way. The premises are constantly being updated in various ways. The cleaning team ensure that bathrooms are cleaned daily and carpets (corridors and rooms) are vacuumed daily and shampooed once a week. There is an extensive programme for activities for residents, some of which involve family and friends, thereby maintaining links to the outside world. The activities involve trips and excursions, a great deal is done to try and minimise the extent to which residents become isolated from the outside world. A lot of effort is made to maintain a high level of openness. Internal activities include quizzes, musical events, carpet bowls and screenings of classic movies and television programmes.
There are many noteworthy features of Te Hopai, but its greatest achievement is the quality of the relationships between residents and staff. No one would go into a care facility if circumstances did not make it necessary. However in cases where it does become necessary, Te Hopai is able to provide a level of warm and personalised care of which all involved can feel proud.