Te Hopai Trust Board | Te Hopai Home & Hospital Ltd Wednesday 3 August 2022
From The Chair – Dean Riddell
Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou Katoa - Nau mai Haere mai This is my first AGM as Chair
Lorraine Christie, our Past Chair– thank you for staying on the board and supporting me as Chair. This has been hugely valuable. I have enjoyed and relied on your support, guidance and mentorship over the last year including your huge contribution to the Board recruitment process. I am also pleased that you feel comfortable that later this year you are leaving the Board is good hands and great spirit
Dave Stewart – You have made a huge contribution to the Board – especially in Managing Director role. The Board is grateful for your willingness to continue much of this support to Te Hopai from an Off-board position
Our general Manager Pakize Sari and team – an outstanding team lead by an inspiring leader. The operational heart and soul of Te Hopai
Finance Manager Tracy Broadley – Thank you for sharing the vision of transition to quarterly Management and Financial reporting. Also your willingness to remain in a Board support role
Te Hopai – the past year
It is comforting to oversee Te Hopai in a cautiously healthy financial position considering the underfunded landscape we work in – we are doing an excellent job in a difficult environment
But we all know that financially we need to do more to ensure our future.
We continue to boldly but cautiously exploring options to diversify our income – cautious bold leadership from the Board is critical to Te Hopai’s future
Transition to Quarterly Management & Financial Reporting – I hope everyone agrees this has been successful change to how the Board operates – both improving our reporting and focus on the Management & Financial but also creating the opportunities to separately dedicate time and resource to Strategic Direction
Covid – “Learning to live with Covid 19” is a term entrenched in my day-job – the primary purpose of MIQ was to delay the inevitable “learning to live with Covid 19”. Well, we are well and truly living with it now and Te Hopai have demonstrated exactly what “living with Covid 19” is all about
Te Hopai – the next year & beyond
What is on my list going forward? The 3 new Trustees on the board have heard my list already – I am sure individually they can appreciate where their strengths are going to contribute both specifically and in general governance of each of these
In no particular order :
Financial Security
- More Income
- Diversified Income – less reliance on the fickleness of Government funding - Fund Raising – arguably an “open cheque book” for Te Hopai
- Access to Capital – the future of Te Hopai is going to need Capital
Human Resources
- Recruitment - Retention
- Affordability
Community Housing
- We can all see the demand and the potential for Te Hopai to be part of the solution - Age Care Pipeline
- Diversified Income
Tangata Te Tiriti
- People of the Treaty
- Our obligations to the Treaty AND Opportunities it gives Te Hopai - Whanau based Age Care – What could this look like?
- Not just for Māori – a premium offering for all
At the last AGM when I commenced as Chair I gave a small introduction which was recorded in the minutes as :
Dean said it was an interesting time to take on the chair position and it will be an interesting ride as Te Hopai find new ways to ensure future survival. [Note – in Quotation] “Success is the only option, Failure is not”
What I said then still stands now
Te Hopai is still in very interesting times – there has been no silver bullet in the past year nor
is there a silver bullet in the immediate future. But we are working on it!
it will continue to be an interesting ride as Te Hopai find new ways to ensure our future.
Success is the only option